Frequently Asked Questions

Passport Renewal FAQs

What is a passport book?

A passport book is another way of referring to your passport. Each passport or passport book contains 28 or 52 pages and allows you to travel by plane, boat, or land border crossings. Most countries will stamp your passport upon entry/exit, typically on the same or facing page, but this varies from country to country. The last four pages of your passport book are marked ENDORSEMENT/AMENDMENTS. These pages are reserved for countries to input additional information into your passport and should not be considered open pages for visa purposes.

What is a passport card?

A passport card is an alternative form of identification, the size of a driver’s license, that allows one to travel by land border crossings or sea ports-of-call to Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda. It also fulfills the standards of the Real ID Act and can be used in place of a state-issued ID card, driver’s license, or passport book for all domestic flights.

NOTE: Passport cards cannot be used for international air travel.

Can I make a photocopy of my passport?

Yes, you should keep a scan of your passport information page on your home computer or mobile device for reference. 

My most recent 10-year passport is expired, do I need to complete the New Passport process?

Maybe. It depends on WHEN your passport expired. If you wait five years or more after the expiry date of your last passport, then you will need to process a new passport. If it is less than five years from your passport expiry date then you can still renew. 

NOTE: Regardless of when your passport expired, or how many passports you’ve had, if you have never been issued a 10 year passport, you will have to complete the New Passport process to obtain one for the first time. Thereafter, as long as you never wait more than five years beyond your most recent passport’s expiration date, you may simply renew your passport every time.

When I renew my passport, does the passport number change?

Yes, for security reasons every passport issued bears a unique passport number. Additionally, the issue and expiration dates will also change with each newly issued passport. 

Will I get my previous passport back?

Absolutely! In almost all cases, the US Department of State returns previous passports after punching two holes in the cover to officially indicate that it has been canceled. The exception is any situation where the Department of State considers the passport damaged.

TIP: Many countries continue to honor valid visas that appear in expired or canceled passports, however, you must travel with both your currently valid passport as well as the old passport containing the still valid visa(s). And, according to the TSA’s official Twitter account, “If your passport has been expired for less than one year, it will be accepted as valid ID at our security checkpoints.”

What’s the deal with passport photos?

We get it. You’ve got that one photo you love where your smile is perfect, and your hair is on point. But that picture is from 2012 and you just can’t use it for your passport. Sorry. The State Department wants a fresh photo of you for your new passport. It must have been taken within the last 6 months. There are also some other requirements you’ll want to keep in mind to avoid your photo being rejected...

  • Your photo must be 2”x2” in size
  • Your head (including hair!) and shoulders must be completely in frame and not cut off
  • The photo should be well lit without dark shadows
  • Hair should be pulled back from your face so your features are clearly visible
  • No glasses!!! (Unless you have a medical note from your doctor)

Get your Passport Photos Taken at home now!

Can my passport application be denied?

To start, passport denials are SUPER RARE, but it can happen. Most of the time an application is put “on suspense” for any number of reasons including if incorrect payment is provided, if there are issues with the passport photo or application itself, or if any required supporting documents are missing. In virtually every scenario the government provides the opportunity for the applicant to correct their error (“clear the suspense”). Once resolved, the State Department will proceed with issuing the passport.
However, in certain situations, the government may deny your application outright. In such scenarios, there is nothing we will be able to do to secure you a passport.

Does my application need to be typed?

US Post Offices frequently have blank passport applications available for people to complete by hand. However, handwritten passport applications are not preferred when if you plan to use a third-party passport expediting service such as ItsEasy. In general, the government requires that all passport applications we submit be generated through the State Department website and printed from a computer, however, we technically CAN submit a handwritten application but it will likely result in a processing delay.

Why do I need a Letter of Authorization?

The Letter of Authorization (LOA) allows ItsEasy to submit your passport application to the US State Department on your behalf. This needs your original signature and our company name as the courier.

I need to add pages to my passport, how do I do this?

Unfortunately, as of January 2018, the US State Department no longer adds pages to passports. The only option available to you if your visa pages are all exhausted is to apply for a passport renewal. Luckily you can request a 52-page passport book at no additional cost. This is double the number of pages as a standard passport book.

Is the Renewal application different from the name change application?

No, both are Form DS-82 if your name stays the same, or changes due to marriage, divorce, or court order. 

PLEASE NOTE: if you are adding or taking out your middle name you MUST complete a DS-11 and have your documents sealed (see our Name Change FAQ <LINK> for further details). 

New Passport FAQs

What is a passport book?

A passport book is another way of referring to your passport. Each passport or passport book contains 28 or 52 pages and allows you to travel by plane, boat, or land border crossings. Most countries will put a stamp in your passport upon entry/exit, typically on the same page, but this varies from country to country. The last four pages of your passport book are marked ENDORSEMENT/AMENDMENTS, these pages are reserved for countries to input additional information into your passport and should not be considered open pages for the purposes of securing a visa.

What is a passport card?

A passport card is an alternative form of identification, the size of a driver’s license, that allows one to travel by land border crossings or sea ports-of-call to Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda. It also fulfills the standards of the Real ID Act and can be used in place of a state-issued ID card, driver’s license, or passport book for all domestic flights.

NOTE: Passport cards cannot be used for international air travel.

Can I make a photocopy of my passport?

Yes, you should keep a scan of your passport information page on your home computer or mobile device for reference. 

My 10-year passport is expired, do I need to go through the New Passport process?

Maybe. It depends on WHEN your passport expired. If you wait five years or more after the expiry date of your last passport, then you will need to process a new passport. If it is less than five years from your passport expiry date then you can still renew. 

NOTE: Regardless of when your passport expired, or how many passports you’ve had, if you have never been issued a 10 year passport, you will have to complete the New Passport process to obtain one for the first time. Thereafter, as long as you never wait more than five years beyond your most recent passport’s expiration date, you may simply renew your passport every time.

What is an Acceptance Agent?

This agent is a government employee that will confirm all documents are correct and also confirm your identity on behalf of the State Department. They will sign your passport application with you and seal all documents in a security envelope that they provide. You will then need to send us this sealed envelope for processing.

PLEASE NOTE: Once the envelope is sealed it MUST REMAIN SEALED. You also have four calendar days starting the date of the seal to get this to us for processing, so please send this ASAP.

Can you go to the Acceptance Agent for me?

Unfortunately, no. The United States Department of State requires that individuals who need to visit an Acceptance Agent do so themselves in person. The federal government demands that you confirm your identity in person at your local post office or county clerk’s office.

There is no amount of money, power, or celebrity that can alter this fact. Believe us, we’ve tried.

Why do I need a flight itinerary?

The State Department wants to ensure that applicants requesting expedited processing from third-party expediters such as ItsEasy actually have a legitimate need to receive their passport with increased urgency. Therefore the State Department requires that you have proof of international travel within 14 calendar days in order to utilize our services. 

What if I don’t have international travel?

We cannot expedite new passports if you do not have a travel itinerary within 14 calendar days of seeing an Acceptance Agent. However, you can utilize either regular or expedited processing directly through the United States Postal Service. USPS Acceptance Agents (or those staffed at county courthouses) will send your documents directly to the State Department for processing without proof of international travel.

NOTE: The expedited processing available to you as a private citizen is significantly faster than the standard processing, but is not as fast as the expedited processing available to us as a registered third party expediting company.

Does my application need to be typed?

US Post Offices frequently have blank passport applications available for people to complete by hand. However, handwritten passport applications are not preferred when if you plan to use a third-party passport expediting service such as ItsEasy. In general, the government requires that all passport applications we submit be generated through the State Department website and printed from a computer, however, we technically CAN submit a handwritten application but it will likely result in a processing delay.

Why do I need a Letter of Authorization?

The Letter of Authorization (LOA) allows ItsEasy to submit your passport application to the US State Department on your behalf. This needs your original signature and our company name as the courier.

Why do I need to submit my original birth/naturalization certificate?

This is your proof of US citizenship so the State Department requires the original or certified copy to process a new passport. This will be returned to you in good condition when your passport is complete.

Why do I need my driver’s license as part of the passport application process?

A driver’s license or state-issued ID card must be valid for six months per the State Department, as this is when they become valid in governmental systems. The Acceptance Agent will ask to see your original driver’s license or ID as it is a photo identification that they can use to confirm your identity. They will then make a copy and seal this with your documents. 

NOTE: If you do not have a driver’s license or ID you will need to present five forms of alternative identification PLUS a witness with a valid DL/ID to appear with you at the Acceptance Agent’s office to prove your identity.

 Lost or Stolen Passport FAQ’s

What is a passport book?

A passport book is another way of referring to your passport. Each passport or passport book contains 28 or 52 pages and allows you to travel by plane, boat, or land border crossings. Most countries will put a stamp in your passport upon entry/exit, typically on the same page, but this varies from country to country. The last four pages of your passport book are marked ENDORSEMENT/AMENDMENTS, these pages are reserved for countries to input additional information into your passport and should not be considered open pages for the purposes of securing a visa.

What is a passport card?

A passport card is an alternative form of identification, the size of a driver’s license, that allows one to travel by land border crossings or sea ports-of-call to Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda. It also fulfills the standards of the Real ID Act and can be used in place of a state-issued ID card, driver’s license, or passport book for all domestic flights.

NOTE: Passport cards cannot be used for international air travel.

Can I make a photocopy of my passport?

Yes, you should keep a scan of your passport information page on your home computer or mobile device for reference. 

What is an Acceptance Agent?

This agent is a government employee that will confirm all documents are correct and also confirm your identity on behalf of the State Department. They will sign your passport application with you and seal all documents in a security envelope that they provide. You will then need to send us this sealed envelope for processing.

PLEASE NOTE: Once the envelope is sealed it MUST REMAIN SEALED. You also have four calendar days starting the date of the seal to get this to us for processing, so please send this ASAP.

Can you go to the Acceptance Agent for me?

Unfortunately, no. The United States Department of State requires that individuals who need to visit an Acceptance Agent do so themselves in person. The federal government demands that you confirm your identity in person at your local post office or county clerk’s office.

There is no amount of money, power, or celebrity that can alter this fact. Believe us, we’ve tried.

Why do I need a flight itinerary?

The State Department wants to ensure that applicants requesting expedited processing from third-party expediters such as ItsEasy actually have a legitimate need to receive their passport with increased urgency. Therefore the State Department requires that you have proof of international travel within 14 calendar days in order to utilize our services. 

What if I don’t have international travel?

We cannot expedite new passports if you do not have a travel itinerary within 14 calendar days of seeing an Acceptance Agent. However, you can utilize either regular or expedited processing directly through the United States Postal Service. USPS Acceptance Agents (or those staffed at county courthouses) will send your documents directly to the State Department for processing without proof of international travel.

NOTE: The expedited processing available to you as a private citizen is significantly faster than the standard processing, but is not as fast as the expedited processing available to us as a registered third party expediting company.

Does my application need to be typed?

US Post Offices frequently have blank passport applications available for people to complete by hand. However, handwritten passport applications are not preferred when if you plan to use a third-party passport expediting service such as ItsEasy. In general, the government requires that all passport applications we submit be generated through the State Department website and printed from a computer, however, we technically CAN submit a handwritten application but it will likely result in a processing delay.

Why do I need a Letter of Authorization?

The Letter of Authorization (LOA) allows ItsEasy to submit your passport application to the US State Department on your behalf. This needs your original signature and our company name as the courier.

Why do I need to submit my original birth/naturalization certificate?

This is your proof of US citizenship so the State Department requires the original or certified copy to process a new passport. This will be returned to you in good condition when your passport is complete.

Why do I need my driver’s license as part of the passport application process?

A driver’s license or state-issued ID card must be valid for six months per the State Department, as this is when they become valid in governmental systems. The Acceptance Agent will ask to see your original driver’s license or ID as it is a photo identification that they can use to confirm your identity. They will then make a copy and seal this with your documents. 

NOTE: If you do not have a driver’s license or ID you will need to present five forms of alternative identification PLUS a witness with a valid DL/ID to appear with you at the Acceptance Agent’s office to prove your identity.

I reported my passport as lost/stolen but I have found it, can I still use this passport?

Unfortunately, no. The passport has already been electronically canceled in the government’s system. You will need to process a new passport request.

If my passport is lost or stolen should I file a police report?

It’s always in your best interest to file a police report when your passport is lost or stolen. Someone may find it and turn it over to local authorities who can then return it to you. Remember, many countries still honor valid visas that are issued in expired/canceled passports, so even if it’s been reported lost/stolen and officially canceled, a passport may still have some value to you as a traveler. 

Children's Passports FAQ’s

What is a passport book?

A passport book is another way of referring to your passport. Each passport or passport book contains 28 or 52 pages and allows you to travel by plane, boat, or land border crossings. Most countries will put a stamp in your passport upon entry/exit, typically on the same page, but this varies from country to country. The last four pages of your passport book are marked ENDORSEMENT/AMENDMENTS, these pages are reserved for countries to input additional information into your passport and should not be considered open pages for the purposes of securing a visa.

What is a passport card?

A passport card is an alternative form of identification, the size of a driver’s license, that allows one to travel by land border crossings or sea ports-of-call to Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda. It also fulfills the standards of the Real ID Act and can be used in place of a state-issued ID card, driver’s license, or passport book for all domestic flights.

NOTE: Passport cards cannot be used for international air travel.

Can I make a photocopy of my passport?

Yes, you should keep a scan of your passport information page on your home computer or mobile device for reference. 

What is an Acceptance Agent?

This agent is a government employee that will confirm all documents are correct and also confirm your identity on behalf of the State Department. They will sign your passport application with you and seal all documents in a security envelope that they provide. You will then need to send us this sealed envelope for processing.

PLEASE NOTE: Once the envelope is sealed it MUST REMAIN SEALED. You also have four calendar days starting the date of the seal to get this to us for processing, so please send this ASAP.

Can you go to the Acceptance Agent for me?

Unfortunately, no. The United States Department of State requires that individuals who need to visit an Acceptance Agent do so themselves in person. The federal government demands that you confirm your identity in person at your local post office or county clerk’s office.

There is no amount of money, power, or celebrity that can alter this fact. Believe us, we’ve tried.

Who is required to appear in front of the Acceptance Agent for a child’s passport?

BOTH biological parents and the child are required to see the Acceptance Agent. Both parents' names will be confirmed by the child’s birth certificate and the parents’ IDs. If one parent is unable to appear they can complete, sign, and notarize Form DS-3053 (see below for more details) which can be presented instead. 

If a child is under the guardianship of anyone other than their biological parents, proper documentation will be required to establish the child’s custody AND passport decision authorization, but if any biological parent retains any amount of custody, they MUST appear in person or provide Form DS-3053. There are no exceptions.

What is Form DS-3053?

This document allows a parent to be absent from the acceptance agent’s office. The document must be signed in the presence of a notary public and notarized at the SAME TIME and should be presented along with a copy of the parent’s ID. This gives consent for the other parent to appear before the acceptance agent with the child and have all documents verified and sealed. 

I have sole custody of my child, does the other parent still need to appear, or do I need a Form DS-3053?

You can appear with your child and will need the original court documents with your custody agreement clearly indicating that you have sole custody AND passport authorization. 

If the agreement does not state that you can make any and all decisions regarding passports and international travel, then you will still need a DS-3053 consent form.

My child has had a passport already, do we need the birth certificate and/or their previous passport?

An original birth certificate is ALWAYS required for a children’s passport to identify the child and both parents' names. If your child has had a passport you will need to supply the original passport book for cancellation, though it will be returned to you.

Why do I need a flight itinerary?

The State Department wants to ensure that applicants requesting expedited processing from third-party expediters such as ItsEasy actually have a legitimate need to receive their passport with increased urgency. Therefore the State D

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