(if the below criteria are not met, please select a different passport service above)
Applicant and both parents or legal guardian(s) must gather documents listed below and make a personal appearance in front of an Acceptance Agent.
An Acceptance Agent is a government employee who will verify the identity of the applicant.
Acceptance Agents are available at most Post Offices and Court Houses.
Applicant must indicate that he/she is using an expediting service to "hand carry" the passport application. The Acceptance Agent will have the applicant and parent sign the application and seal all documents in an envelope and return the sealed envelope to parent or legal guardian.
Sealed envelope with new passport application is forwarded to ItsEasy for processing.
To obtain a new passport, applicant must bring an original or certified copy of a birth certificate, naturalization papers or old passport.
Birth certificates must show applicant and parent(s) full names - "short form" birth certificates may not be acceptable.
Parent or guardian will be required to show a driver's license or state-issued identification issued more than six months ago. Official government or military picture identification, valid U.S. or foreign passport with photo, or an I.N.S. Alien Resident Card is also acceptable.
Parents and/or legal guardians must prove their relation to the applicant. Generally this is done by matching the name on a driver's license or state-issued identification to the original birth certificate.
Other acceptable documents are Certified Foreign Birth Certificate of the applicant (translated, if necessary); Report of Birth Abroad of the Applicant: Form FS-240; Certification of Birth Abroad of the Applicant: Form DS-1350; Adoption Decree of the Applicant (with adopting parents' names); Court Order Establishing Custody of the Applicant; Court Order Establishing Guardianship of the Applicant; or similar legal documents.
Note: If the name of the parent/guardian is other than that on the document, evidence of legal name change is required.
Note: Although discourage, when only one parent or legal guardian is available to appear in person, the other parent or legal guardian may provide a notarized consent statement and photo copy of identification. Only original copies are accepted. This requirement is strictly enforced to protect children. See link below to download Consent Form 3053 (must be notarized).
Note: If only one parent is listed on the birth certificate or court order of full custody, then the second parent or legal guardian requirement is waived.
Applicant must submit one completed passport application form (DS-11). You will be sent a link to use our FormFiller to complete your PERFECT Passport Application with our review process.
Applicant must submit two identical, 2"x2", color, passport-style photographs.
ItsEasy.com is proud to exclusively offer COMPLIMENTARY passport photos through our 5-star smartphone app.
Search "ItsEasy" in the Apple App Store or Google Play. Ask for details!
Passport photos may also be obtained for $15-$25 plus time spent at many post offices and stores around town.
NOTE: Photos must be printed on photo paper. Letter or glossy paper will not be accepted.
Applicant must submit an original, signed "Letter of Authorization" which allows ItsEasy.com to submit the application to the US State Dept.
Please use the Letter of Authorization form provided by ItsEasy.com.
The letter must contain the following elements: name of applicant, name of courier company, current date, and the original signature of the applicant or parent(s) or legal guardians of children under the age of 16.
Applicant must submit a computer-generated itinerary from a travel agency or online booking tool (such as an e-confirmation) showing departure from the U.S.
Print two copies. Provide one copy to the Acceptance Agent to be included in the sealed envelope and one copy must be included with documents delivered to ItsEasy.
The US State Dept charges $160 for expedited passports and $35 for verification of new passport applications by the Acceptance Agent.
Both fees must be paid to the Acceptance Agent onsite. The new passport fee of $160 may be paid by check, cash, money order. If paying by check, starter checks are not acceptable. Indicate the applicant's name and DOB in the memo line. The Acceptance Agent fee of $35 may be paid by any payment method.
Applicant will place the sealed envelope from the Acceptance agent and additional documents listed below in a shipping envelope (if the sealed envelope is too large for the shipping envelope, fold it neatly in half)
1) Envelope sealed by Acceptance Agent containing items above.
Note: Most standard processing passport applications are submitted through the post office. The post office encourages applicants to pay for confirmed shipping which adds between $15 and $25. Since you are using an expediting service, DO NOT PAY THE ADDITIONAL POSTAGE FEES. This will cause delay and possible rejection of your expedited passport application.
2) On the outside of the sealed envelope, applicant must write the following:
Last Name, First Name
Date of Birth
Departure Date
Contact Phone Number
* If there is more than one application in the envelope (for multiple applicants), write out each applicants name and date of birth.
3) Copy of travel itinerary
4) Completed (signed) copy of Letter of Authorization (marked "EXTRA COPY")
5) Completed (unsigned) copy of passport application