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Brazilian Visa Services

If you need to apply for a Brazilian Visa, we can help you!

Brazilian Visa Requirements

Brazil requires U.S. citizens to carry a valid U.S. passport and a Brazilian visa when traveling to Brazil for any purpose.

You must obtain your Brazilian visa in advance from the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate nearest to your place of residence in the United States. This requirement means, for example, that if you live in LA but happen to be in NY, you cannot get your Brazilian visa from the NY Brazilian consulate.

There are no "airport visas" and immigration authorities will refuse entry into Brazil to anyone not possessing a valid visa. The U.S. government cannot assist you if you arrive in Brazil without proper documentation.

New Brazilian eVisa

In January 2018 Brazil launched a new eVisa system for citizen of the U.S., Canada, Austrailia, and Japan.

After a rough start to this new program, the Brazil eVisa is settling down and outputing the eVisas as it was originally intended by Brazil.

Below is a video that describes the differences between the traditional paper Visas from Brazil, and the new eVisa from Brazil.

The eVisas applications are much easier than the traditional paper visa applications. You may obtain an eVisa for either Tourist or Business, or a host of other visa classifications (medical treatment, journalism, transit, sports, etc).

Traditional Paper Brazilian Visas

The traditional paper Brazilian Visas are more challenging to obtain. While these visas last for 10 years for US citizens, the number of documents required - some must be in Portuguese, is extensive, and in some ways, daunting.

ItsEasy can certainly help you obtain a Brazilian paper Visa - in fact, we recommend you absolutely use ItsEasy to assist with the paperwork requirements for a Brazil paper visa.

Due to these extensive requirements, all paper visas for Brazil will require our Document Pre-Check service - so that we may preview all of your Brazil paper work before you send us your application packet.

ItsEasy maintains the visa requirements to all countries, including brazil. Use the widget above to see your particular requirements for visiting brazil based upon your citizenship and state of residence in the USA.

Sample Requirements For Brazil

Below is a sample set of requirements for visiting Brazil using a Tourist Visa Visa. These requirements are only a SAMPLE. To get the EXACT requirements for you to visit Brazil, please go to our TripBuilder page and enter in your specific information that is your exact situation.

Brazil Tourist Visa Requirements

1.1  We Cannot Assist With This Specific Visa Request

The Consulate General of Brazil in New York City requires all applicants to make a personal appearance to apply for a visa.

As seen on

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