Below is a sample set of requirements for visiting Ghana using a Tourist Visa Visa. These requirements are only a SAMPLE. To get the EXACT requirements for you to visit Ghana, please go to our TripBuilder page and enter in your specific information that is your exact situation.
Applicant must submit their current, signed passport. Visas are stamped into a passport, therefore the original passport is required.
Applicant must submit two (2) identical, color, passport style photographs. The photos must be recent and generally should not be the same used for the passport itself.
Applicant must provide confirmed airfare showing entry to and exit from Ghana.
Applicant must provide confirmed hotel reservations for the length of their stay.
If applicant is staying with a friend or family member instead of at a hotel, they must provide an invitation letter from their host with their name and address provided. The host must also provide a copy of their Ghana ID or valid passport (plus visa if not a Ghanaian citizen).
Applicant must submit an International Certificate of Vaccination for Yellow Fever.
Although applicant may be submitting documents along with other family members, when submitted to an embassy or consulate, applications are treated individually. If applicant is under 18 years old, please view the following link.
Applicant must complete an online visa application. ItsEasy's Concierge Service will assist with generating the visa application. Alternatively, you may complete the visa application yourself with the following instructions:
1) Click the green button below
2) Click "Consular Section" drop down menu from the tabs, and then select "Visa Application"
3) Click "Visa Application" on the following page
4) Choose "English" for language, and "United States" for country
5) Check the box "I have read all terms and conditions" and then click "Proceed with Visa Application"
Important! Applicants MUST select the New York consulate as the processing location.
NOTE: While the Ghana Consulate's website indicates 24-, and 72-hour processing times, they are actually 3 days, and 5 days respectively.