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Libyan Visa Services

If you need to apply for a Libyan Visa, we can help you!

For US citizens passports and visas are required for all U.S. citizens traveling to Libya. The Government of Libya does not allow persons with passports bearing an Israeli visa or entry/exit stamps from Israel to enter Libya.

ItsEasy maintains the visa requirements to all countries, including libya. Use the widget above to see your particular requirements for visiting libya based upon your citizenship and state of residence in the USA.

Sample Requirements For Libya

Below is a sample set of requirements for visiting Libya using a Business Visa Visa. These requirements are only a SAMPLE. To get the EXACT requirements for you to visit Libya, please go to our TripBuilder page and enter in your specific information that is your exact situation.

Libya Business Visa Requirements

1.1  Passport

Applicant must submit their current, signed passport. Visas are stamped into a passport, therefore the original passport is required.

1.2  Photo Requirement

Applicant must submit two (2) identical, color, passport style photographs. The photos must be recent and generally should not be the same used for the passport itself.

1.3  Proof of Travel

Applicant must submit a computer-generated itinerary from a travel agency or online booking tool (such as an e-confirmation or online booking) showing departure from the US and arrival/departure for the destination.

Note, if traveling via private charter the charters manifest should suffice.

1.4  Business Cover Letter

Applicant must submit a Business Cover Letter (BCL) from a US company. The BCL must be an original, signed document on company letterhead indicating the date, duration and purpose of travel, list a contact and address at the host company, and observe moral and financial responsibility for the applicant. Please review the example below.

1.5  Invitation Letter

Applicant must submit a Letter of Invitation from the inviting party or organization. The letter should introduce the applicant, detail the purpose of the trip, provide dates of the visit and be signed by a company officer with contact details included.

Scanned/printed copies are generally acceptable.

1.6  Visa Application

Applicant must submit one completed visa application. Original signature required. Applications should be printed single-sided and signed in blue or black ink only.

1.7  Special Notice

Passport must not contain any evidence of prior or intended travel to Israel.

As seen on

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